
Don’t go down with your website’s syncing ship

August 31, 2023

Stop rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic and hop onto this lifeboat to rescue your site.

Sacrificing lightning-speed loading times for flashy displays and unoptimised images is equivalent to rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic. Everyone is jumping ship anyway. Your website is often your brand’s introduction to potential consumers, and first impressions count. So, cut the string quartet, set fire to the curtains and give that iceberg a run for its money by streamlining your website into a mean, sales-generating machine.

Here are 5 roles your website should be playing in your business;

1. Employee of the month, every month

Founder syndrome often means skipping holidays and burning the decahedron candle at 10ends. Choose more margaritas on the beach with a website that does the work. Your site should be a 24/7 brand rep that answers FAQs and is an online repository for all the info your customer needs from you. A great website should increase your productivity by handling administration too. Instead of making that new hire, invest your money in digital to get a teammate that doesn’t quit.

2. Street cred

A slick, sophisticated website shows customers that they can trust your brand to deliver on its promises. Bad photoshop and run-of-the-mill stock images are hints to your consumer that your business takes shortcuts, is sloppy and can’t compete in the modern business environment. Linking socials to your website is critical to fostering trust and convincing customers to shop with you.

3. Brand awareness and affinity

Here at Tada, we’re branding experts, so we know the value of powerful branding. But if you still need convincing, imagine your consumer visiting your competitor because your brand is not memorable nor consistent… and they think they’re really shopping on your site. It’s awkward when you forget someone’s name but it’s a missed opportunity if consumers forget your brand.

4. Generating and nurturing leads

We’re all consumers in our everyday lives, but sometimes we forget what it’s like when it comes to our own businesses. That shopping cart you abandoned because the payment gateway was sticky? It could happen to your customers. The inbox full of junk mail because you subscribed to every site under the sun? Yep, that’s what theirs looks like too. Your website is the difference between make or break, and if it’s not making sales, it’s breaking the bank. 

5. A content archive

Let your website be the PR maven that weaves compelling stories with SEO to make it the most clickable URL in cyberspace. Paid promotions generate efficient results but they need a backup team of evergreen content that’s driving organic traffic. The more (virtual) steps you get through the door, the higher the chance they walk out with one of your products or services.


These days, websites are more than convenient places to find the addresses of brick-and-mortar stores—although don’t forget that crucial piece of info either. To play ball with the big kids, yours needs to fulfil some basic and sophisticated functions.

Is your website up to the task?

Stop rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic and hop onto this lifeboat to rescue your site.

Sacrificing lightning-speed loading times for flashy displays and unoptimised images is equivalent to rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic. Everyone is jumping ship anyway. Your website is often your brand’s introduction to potential consumers, and first impressions count. So, cut the string quartet, set fire to the curtains and give that iceberg a run for its money by streamlining your website into a mean, sales-generating machine.

Here are 5 roles your website should be playing in your business;

1. Employee of the month, every month

Founder syndrome often means skipping holidays and burning the decahedron candle at 10ends. Choose more margaritas on the beach with a website that does the work. Your site should be a 24/7 brand rep that answers FAQs and is an online repository for all the info your customer needs from you. A great website should increase your productivity by handling administration too. Instead of making that new hire, invest your money in digital to get a teammate that doesn’t quit.

2. Street cred

A slick, sophisticated website shows customers that they can trust your brand to deliver on its promises. Bad photoshop and run-of-the-mill stock images are hints to your consumer that your business takes shortcuts, is sloppy and can’t compete in the modern business environment. Linking socials to your website is critical to fostering trust and convincing customers to shop with you.

3. Brand awareness and affinity

Here at Tada, we’re branding experts, so we know the value of powerful branding. But if you still need convincing, imagine your consumer visiting your competitor because your brand is not memorable nor consistent… and they think they’re really shopping on your site. It’s awkward when you forget someone’s name but it’s a missed opportunity if consumers forget your brand.

4. Generating and nurturing leads

We’re all consumers in our everyday lives, but sometimes we forget what it’s like when it comes to our own businesses. That shopping cart you abandoned because the payment gateway was sticky? It could happen to your customers. The inbox full of junk mail because you subscribed to every site under the sun? Yep, that’s what theirs looks like too. Your website is the difference between make or break, and if it’s not making sales, it’s breaking the bank. 

5. A content archive

Let your website be the PR maven that weaves compelling stories with SEO to make it the most clickable URL in cyberspace. Paid promotions generate efficient results but they need a backup team of evergreen content that’s driving organic traffic. The more (virtual) steps you get through the door, the higher the chance they walk out with one of your products or services.


These days, websites are more than convenient places to find the addresses of brick-and-mortar stores—although don’t forget that crucial piece of info either. To play ball with the big kids, yours needs to fulfil some basic and sophisticated functions.

Is your website up to the task?

Don’t go down with your website’s syncing ship
Swipe right on a website refresh
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